North East Auto and Truck Service (Auto Repairs) in Ocala
Full information about North East Auto and Truck Service in Ocala: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. North East Auto and Truck Service on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of North East Auto and Truck Service:
2140 NE 36th Ave, Suite 300-1, Ocala, Florida (FL), 34470
EditNorth East Auto and Truck Service opening hours:
M: 08:00-17:00 | T: 08:00-17:00 | W: 08:00-17:00 | Th: 08:00-17:00 | F: 08:00-17:00 | Sat: closed | Sun: closed
EditReviews about North East Auto and Truck Service:
About North East Auto and Truck Service:
North East Auto & Truck Service is your one-stop-shop for all your automotive needs for you and your family in Ocala, FL! Veteran-owned and operated since 2009 featuring Ford factory-trained technicians with OEM tooling. Even though we specialize in F series Powerstroke diesel trucks, we perform a wide range of auto service and repairs from maintenance items such as oil changes and brake pad replacements to tire replacements and wheel alignments to fleet service and hybrid repairs. We have over 35 years of combined diesel truck experience and we are equipped with factory scan tools to perform the job right!
EditAuto Repairs nearest to North East Auto and Truck Service:
A-Tech Automotive Ocala, Auto Repairs; 2330 Ne 18th Pl#A, Ocala, FL, 34470-7730; (352) 732-2239
Paul & Peter`s Import Auto Service Ocala, Auto Repairs; 2200 Ne 36th Ave, Ocala, FL, 34470-3164; (352) 620-0145
Salamone Auto Service Ocala, Auto Repairs; 1723 Ne 23rd Ter, Ocala, FL, 34470-4791; (352) 732-9200
Unlimited Outboard Service Ocala, Auto Repairs; 1640 Ne 32nd Ave, Ocala, FL, 34470-4844; (352) 840-5477